Waiver Confirmation * IN CONSIDERATION of being permitted to attend the annual KADAVU Family Picnic on June 2nd, 2024, I hereby agree to the following release, waiver of liability in connection with my attendance at the KADAVU Family Picnic.
1. I HEREBY RELEASE, WAIVE, DISCHARGE AND COVENANT NOT TO SUE KADAVU, its officers, directors, and volunteers and any of the owners and lessees of the ranch or premises used to conduct the KADAVU Picnic from all liability to me or to my personal representatives, assigns, heirs, and next of kin for any and all loss, claims, damages, liability costs (including attorneys’ fees) and expenses arising out of or in connection with any injury to my person or property, caused by the negligence of any of the Releases or otherwise while I travel to the KADAVU Picnic, while I attend the KADAVU Picnic or after I leave the KADAVU Picnic.
2. I HEREBY ASSUME FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR AND ALL RISK OF BODILY INJURY, PROPERTY DAMAGE due to the negligence of the Releases while attending or participating in the KADAVU Family Picnic.
3. I HEREBY INDEMNIFY AND AGREE TO DEFEND AND HOLD HARMLESS the Releases and from any Damages they may incur due to my presence at or participation in the KADAVU Family Picnic, whether caused by the negligence of the Releases or otherwise.
I understand that by signing this release, waiver of liability and indemnity agreement, I give up important legal rights, including the right to sue if I am injured at the KADAVU Family Picnic.
I expressly acknowledge and agree that this release, waiver, and indemnity agreement is intended to be as broad and inclusive as is permitted by law of the State of Pennsylvania and that if any portion hereof is held invalid, then the balance of this document shall continue in full legal force and effect.
Further, I grant permission to all the foregoing to use my name, voice and images of myself in any photographs, motion pictures, results, publications or any other print, video-graphic or electronic recording of this event for legitimate purposes.
This event follows the standard industry policy: All entry fees are non-refundable. We reserve the right to postpone or cancel the event due to circumstances beyond our control such as a natural disaster or emergency or as required to protect the safety of participants and staff. No refunds will be issued under these circumstances. We reserve the right to change the details of the event without prior notice. I understand that my entry fee is nonrefundable.
I HAVE READ AND VOLUNTARILY SIGN THIS RELEASE AND WAIVER OF LIABILITY AND INDEMNITY AGREEMENT, and I further agree that no oral representations, statements or inducements apart from the foregoing written agreement have been made in connection with my attendance at the KADAVU Family Picnic.