Kadavu Youth Debate -1

On December 22nd, members of the Kerala Association of Delaware Valley Youth Organization planned a Debate Session for the Youth Members regarding topics that influence the lives and decision making in the current society. Thanks to our parents and volunteer judges the event was a great success. Some of the topics that were contested upon included decisions such as, if everyone should become a vegetarian, should there be one shared currency in the world, are after school activities gain or pain, and if society should stick to writing with a pen or should move on to iPad. These topics engaged the youth members to research to have an adequate understanding of their assigned topic. The youth members were able to give engaging and powerful speeches to the audience, and members were able to argue appropriately with the opposing side. The kind judges that attended were able to give very good advice and feedback to the participants, who used this to their advantage and as a result the judges even had a hard time deciding the winners. All in all the debates were a great success and the Youth Organization hopes to have more such sessions in the future. Thank you to the Kerala Association of Delaware Valley, the youth advisers, the volunteers, and the parents.

Credit: Abhishek Mahesh
Member – Kadavu Youth.

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